Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Holiday Help


          Visit the counseling center or fill out a form in the front office requesting extra holiday support.

Miss Cassie is at Mountain View on Mondays, Wednesdays and in the afternoon on Fridays.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

November and Student Recognition for Responsibility

November is all About Civility and Communication 

This month's character traits are Civility and Communication.  Students will learn about  being kind to friends, peers, family, and adults and to use kind words when talking to others. What are ways your student can use civility at home?
Communication is the way people express their ideas, thoughts, and feeling to each other.  During November, students learn the different ways they can communicate, and how to communicate while using civility.

Responsibility Recognition for October
Here is a list of Students caught being responsible last month!  Several of their teachers wrote out the ways they were being responsible!



Angel Olvera – “Angel is always on task, always listening, and returning homework.”
Jayden Mendoza – “Jayden is here on time, every day, with homework.”


Siam Ngo – “Siam brings homework daily and finishes her daily work.”
Abrahim Silva Palacios – “He consistently return homework and puts material back where they belong.”


Maata Makoni – “She has shown responsibility by consistently following school and class expectation and always doing her personal best.”
Bejud Oman


Eileen Diaz Gonzalez – She’s recognized for “completing and turning in all assignments and all are well done”
Lisa Mila – She’s recognized for “completing and bringing all of Ms. Hilton’s homework.”


Thank you students for practicing these behaviors and for your wonderful examples! 

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

October Focus on Respect

Upstander Recognition  
Here is a list of Student's who were caught being Upstanders last month and are recognized for standing up to bullies on our bulletin board in school!

Willow Jordan
Arian Pena Saavedra

Jesus Rodriguez
Preston Neugebaur

Christian Martinez
Melanisa Fainu


Francisco Vargas
Kylee Rodriguez

Carlos Mendez Rodriguez
Supileo Faasolo

Melanie Escobedo
Seisula Lutui
Logan Vargas
William Woods

Thank you students for practicing these behaviors and for your wonderful examples! 

October is all About Respect 

This month's character trait is Respect.  Respect means treating others how you would like to be treated. Talk to your child about what that word means to you and how to help your child practice being respectful. We encourage all our students to show respect to their peers and community members. We will have teachers picking new students who are examples of respect this month.  More information will be posted soon on when they will be recognized

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


The theme for the month of November is CIVILITY. The definition of civility is the act of showing regard for others in other words formal or perfunctory politeness. Being polite, reasonable, and having respectful behavior towards others in the community are ways you can demonstrate civility. We want our children here at school to not only practice what they learn in school but practice in the community and at home. Try to go over this theme with your children for this month and ask them how do you show civility at school? At home? In the community?

Please click here Example of Civility  to watch a short clip with your child(ren) that best describes civility. 

We will be looking for children who demonstrate civility in the classroom or playground and will recognize them in our December Pastries for Parents meeting. 

Respect Winners for October

We want to recognize our amazing students who were great examples of Respect. We will be honoring them at our Pastries for Parents meeting Tuesday, November 28th. 

Amadyanna Wright
Aabharana Alatoor 
Arlette Flores

Joanan Belasco Barrales
Yarel Cime Diaz
Sione Nau

Francisco Varges
Dim Hung
A'ati (AJ)Tu'uao

Anna Bloebaum
Anup Dulal
Jorge Martinez

Octavia Mills
Jack Ferreira 
Ruben Bernal Sanchez

Cecilia Nava
Jasmine Cendejas
Fred (Kena) Feterika

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Respect and October Recognition

October Recognition  

Here is a list of Student's who were caught being Upstanders and will be recognized for standing up to bullies on our bulletin board in school and at our Pastries with Parents meeting on October 18th.

Camilla Ayala- Herrera
Giovani Montelango- Mendez 
Tabitha McKenna- Bailon

Alexis Woods- Rosenbury
Marlene Solano- Dual
Elvina Seferovic- Beck


Maika Afu- Keenan
Lizelle Stevens- Kjar
Eileen Diaz- Rendon 

Aaron Johnson- Solum
William Woods- Bradley
Hannah Urias- Olsen

Fatima Beltran- Carver
Josh Park- Palmer
Sisilia Loumali- Aiden

Thank you students for practicing these behaviors and for your wonderful examples! 


This month's character trait is Respect.  Talk to your child about what that word means to you and how to help your child practice being respectful. We encourage all our students to show respect to their peers and community members. We will have teachers picking new students who are examples of respect this month and will be recognized at our next Pastries for Parents on November 8, 2016.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back Students! 2016-2017 

We are excited to you have you all back and ready to start off our new school year with you. Every month this year we will be focusing on different values. This month we will be focusing with the students on 


Policy G-19 defines harassment and helps provide education on this issue with our students. We will be addressing the consequences that follow engaging in this act and the ways children should inform an adult if this is happening to them. We want to keep your children's learning environment safe. Attached is the policy. We recommend you look over these policy's and remind your child(ren) at home to practice anti-harassment and not engage.
Students who practice anti-harassment will be recognized at our Pastries for Parents meeting this coming October 4th. We would love to see you there. 

Middle School Success Group

We will be starting our 5th Grade middle school success groups next week September 12th. In these groups we will be focusing on self awareness, self-image, interpersonal relationships, and internet safety over the course of 5 weeks. We are excited to be working with our 5th Graders!

Monday, May 9, 2016